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I'm Tracey and I'm an accredited Relaxation Therapist.

I've always been passionate about self-development and holistic therapy but my interest really peaked in my mid 30's, when out of nowhere, I suddenly started to suffer from symptoms of stress and anxiety. Although, I had a wonderful life, family, friends and career, my world felt like it had been turned upside down, as I struggled to understand where all the overwhelming feelings and physical symptoms of anxiety were coming from.

Always striving to be the best version of myself and to live a healthy, happy life, I knew that I needed to take action. I knew that in order to heal, I needed to get to the root cause of my anxiety rather than just treat the symptoms. It was this burning desire inside me, that led me on my own personal journey of self-discovery and natural healing. I started to fill my head with as much positivity as possible, by listening to audio books and podcasts, reading, enrolling on courses and receiving various types of alternative holistic treatments.

I am now grateful to be in a place where I've never felt healthier or happier. I regularly check-in with myself, take action if it's needed, practice daily self care and enjoy the perfect work life balance. My roller coaster journey has led me to this point and I feel that it's now my mission to help others, by empowering them to lead a healthier, happier, more relaxed and balanced life.

I'm passionate about the concept of healing from within, using our mind, body and belief systems, combined with the natural healing power of Mother Nature, to enhance our health and wellbeing. I teach Relaxation Techniquesand provide emotional, physical and spiritual healing through Angelic Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Essential Oil Experiences, Massage and Belief Coding®. I also provide onsite, bespoke Wellbeing At Work packages to local businesses.

If you want to nurture your mind, body and soul and take your first steps towards self care, you're in the right place and I look forward to working with you.

Tracey x


Suite 42
Beechfield House
Lyme Green Business Park
Winterton Way, Macclesfield
SK11 0LP

© 2024 – Tracey Jones Relaxation